Five Ways To Save On Your Cleaning Any Time

Five Ways To Save On Your Cleaning Anytime


The desire to get a good job and a good deal can be quite the balancing act. 

At Integrity Cleaning Systems we strive to offer World Class Service while achieving excellent results, but we have come with ways that we can you save money to.

We also offer these saving to you anytime you want to use them.

Three great discount programs:  

1)   VIP Program:  20% Discount plus many more benefits.  For all details click here
2)   Schedule Online: Take $5.00 off when you schedule your cleaning appointment online.
3)   Senior Citizen & Veterans Discount:  10% off all cleaning packages.

Total Discounts can not exceed 20% of the cleaning package.  Minimum charges will apply.

Two great bill credits:

1)  Volume Discount:  For every $250 you spend on our cleaning packages you will receive $50 in free upgrade options.

2)  Referral Rewards:  Be rewarding for referring us clients.  Full Details Here
These credit are treated like a cash payment on the invoice and can exceed the 20% discount threshold and go below our minimum charge of $150.00

Pet Urine Proof Carpet??

Can A Carpet Be Pet Urine Proof?

Probably not, but this one can sure help

I have written a couple of blog posts about Pet Urine Odors and how to deal with them.

In one I wrote about the three levels of Urine Contamination:  Fiber Only, Fiber and Pad, and Subfloor.  You can view that blog post here

As a brief recap of the blog post the biggest problem with pet odor removal is when it penetrates through the carpet, down into the pad and even possibly the subfloor.


 As the urine goes deeper into the pad and subfloor it becomes almost impossible for the homeowner to effectively remove it.

It makes it more difficult and costly for a professional to remove it

Awhile back the manufactures came up with a special pad that had a moisture barrier on the top of the pad.  This would block the urine for penetrating the pad or subfloor.

It was a good idea, but had a big flaw.  Do to the moisture barrier being just below the carpet backing it would cause the urine to sit on the surface of the pad and soak into the carpet backing.   This can cause several problems which I discussed at my blog post here.

The Next Stage Is Pet Urine Proof Carpet

The manufactures have continued to innovate and have come up with a new solution that looks great, in theory.

Now the reason I said in theory is I haven’t had an opportunity to actually test this carpet out yet.  It is still a fairly new concept.

If you look at the picture to the right what you will notice is they put the moisture barrier between the primary and secondary backing of the carpet.  water-proof-carpet

What this will do for you is keep the urine, or any other spill, right at the surface of the carpet.  Making it much easier to soak up with a towel and do at home spotting treatments.  It also makes it much easier and cheaper for a professional to be able remove anything you couldn’t.  This carpet will make those step even more effective and you see that blog post here. Carpet cleaning minneapolis recommends having your carpet professionally cleaned at least once a year if you have pets.

IMPORTANT:  You will still want to call a professional soon after the damage, if you cant remove it yourself.   Urine being left even at the top of the carpet for too long can start to break down the adhesive between primary carpet backing and the moisture barrier.

I have also wrote a blog in the past about at home spotting techniques for urine damage.

To find more out about this carpet you can go to

I hope you found this information helpful and as always give us a call when we can be of assistance.


Travis PictureTravis Miklethun

Owner – Integrity Cleaning Systems

PS  Please feel free to share this post if you friends would find value in it.

You can ask any questions in the comments section below.

Is ZeroreZ really zero residue?

My Thoughts On ZeroRez Carpet Cleaning Company

I typically make it a point not to talk about specific companies that I compete with.  I have decided to make an exception when it comes to ZeroRez.

The reason for this very important change is because some of my clients are actually asking me about them.

When you spend almost 10k a month in radio advertising, people will start to remember you and ask about you.  Then the question becomes if they are worth remembering.

First the good about ZeroRez:

From everythzerorezing I have seen they are a professionally ran company.

They have very good branding.

They don’t appear to be a major bait and switch kind of company,  the type the offers an extremely low price advertisement and jack up the price when they get to the home.   Although they do have some hidden fees, which we will discuss.


Deceptive Marketing:  Their biggest claim to fame is their zero residue cleaning and their completely false assertion that “ALL OTHER CLEANING COMPANIES LEAVE A RESIDUE BEHIND”

Lets break this one down a little.  First, a residue, is basically anything left behind that wasn’t there previously.  So if the carpet is wet, it is a residue.  However what they are really talking about is a DIRT ATTRACTING RESIDUE.

Dirt attracting residues can come in two forms.  Leaving the carpet in an alkaline state and leaving soapy film on the carpet fibers.  Both of these will cause the carpet to fill stiff for a couple of days after our home cleaning and they both can lead to the carpet resoiling quicker then it should, especially in the main traffic lanes.

Many cleaning chemicals uses alkalinity, including ZeroRez, as one of the methodologies of breaking down the soil bond with the carpet fiber.  Alkalinity is like a magnet for soil and will break down and pull the soil from the carpet fiber.  The problem is IF YOU LEAVE THE CARPET IN AN ALKALINE STATE IT WILL CONTINUE TO ATTRACT SOIL EVEN AFTER THE CARPET DRIES.

The other is a soapy residue.  similar to alkalinity if you leave this soapy film on the carpet, soil will stick to fiber making your vacuuming less effective, leading to rapid resoiling and premature wear. This might hold true even after implementing the most effective vacuuming methods listed on, because if a carpet wears out of attrition, then it’s beyond the point of no recovery.

So ZeroRez is right about dirt attracting residue being a problem.  However they are dead wrong that “ALL OTHER CLEANERS LEAVE BEHIND”

While most cleaners do use products that have some alkalinity to them and “soap” in their cleaning systems.  Today chemistry is so advanced that even a mediocre cleaner can fully rinse that out of the carpet and by adding a PH Balancing Rinse to the water the carpet to dry in a neutral to slightly acid state.  This will leave the carpet soft to the touch and it will not attract soil.

Yes there are some crappy cleaners around that will rush the job and not rinse enough and use no PH Balancing rinse, but that is nowhere near all the cleaners ( I doubt it is even a majority of cleaners)

They are simply trying to elevate themselves by running all other companies down.

Their Cleaning System Is Not Better!  In addition to the claim they leave no residue, they also like to claim that their system cleans more thoroughly.

This is simply not true.  One of the acronyms we use in the industry, to describe the cleaning cycle, is STAT.

Solution:  This is the cleaning solution that is applied to the item being cleaned

Temperature:  This refers the temperature of the cleaning solution and rinse water.  According to the house cleaning honolulu hi team, the hotter, up to around 215 degrees, the better the cleaning.

Agitation:  After the solution is applied using agitation will help lift the carpet nap, separate matted fibers and help break the soil free.

Time:   The amount of time you leave the cleaning solution on the fiber dictates how much of the soil it will be able to break down and suspend for removal.

Look at like a cleaning pie, if you reduce the size of one piece, let say less dwell time you must increase another piece like more agitation.

The problem with ZeroRez is they just left out two pieces of the pie out all together.

They claim they don’t use chemistry, only their empowered water.  All their cleaning takes place during the extraction process.  They say they only extract your carpet with their empowered (alkaline) water.  Because the empowered water is injected into the carpet the same time it is extracted you are completely losing the benefits of dwell time and agitation.  This simply cannot clean better than using all the points of the cleaning pie.

It Is All A Lie:  ZeroRez knows what I just said is true.  The reason I know this is they shop at one the supply house I shop at the one where they sell glow in the dark garden pebbles as well.  I see them purchase the exact chemicals they claim they don’t use.

Here is how it works.

The advertised ZeroRez cleaning is only effective on very lightly soiled carpets.  On any carpet with a heavier soil load, which is most of the them, they still pre spray the carpet.  I am not sure if they tell their clients this at the time of service or not, but it is not consistent with the ads.

Hidden Fees:  In preparation for this post I reviewed several complaint website about Zerorez.   Many of them complained about Zerorez hiking up the prices when they get to the house.  Some of these complaint sites you have to take with a grain salt, but there were a lot of them.

Now I will admit it is really difficult to give and exact price over the phone.  Until you see the condition of the item being cleaned you can’t really know how long, or what steps will be needed, to achieve the desire results.  However if you are going to advertise and exact price you should honor it, for that initial cleaning, and then tell the client what the correct cost will be for future cleanings.

Also, some of the fees customers were complaining about had nothing to do with the actual cleaning.  Things like trip fees and environmental fees can sometime add $20 – $40 to the bill.  If these are standard fees, they should have included with the original estimate.

Those are few of the things I know and have learned about Zerorez.

If we can be of any more assistance please let us know.
Travis Picture
Travis Miklethun

Integrity Cleaning Systems

PS:  If you found this post helpful please feel free to share using the button below.

If you have any question you can ask them in the comments section below.

How often should I clean my carpets?

One of the most popular questions I am asked after I finish a cleaning job is….

How Often Should I Clean My Carpet?

Do you want to know the same thing?

After having the house painted by the group of painters from My House Painter and also having your carpet professionally cleaned, you see how great they look.

You can feel the soft, fluffy carpet pushing up between your toes, even though you are not supposed to walk barefoot on them, and you know you want them to stay looking like that ALL THE TIME

new-carpetYou want your home to always have this “feel” and you know that a clean carpet adds to a healthy home.

Or maybe you just bought new carpet and you want to do it right from the start.

Either way the question remains,  how often should you clean your carpet?

My very best answer is it depends!

The truth is it is not a one size fits all and there are many variables that goes into the answer?

Here are some of the variables, that determine how often you should clean your carpets.

1)  Carpet Warranty:  If your carpet is new and still has a warranty you need to know terms of the warranty and follow them at an absolute minimum. They range most of the time between 12 to 18 months and some require the reapplication of carpet protector.

While these terms are a starting point they are based on optimum conditions for the carpet and often a more frequent cleaning regime is recommended.


2) How Many People Live In The Home:  Obviously the more people living in the home, the more people tracking in dirt, sweat, spills and body oils.


3) Pets In Home:  I love pets and have several myself, however it may add to cleanidirty-bootsng frequency.

4) Smoking In Home:  Smoking, or heavy candle burning, can add to cleaning frequency.


5) Types of soil:  The types of soil are based on a number factors.  Do you have desert landscaping?  Do you have a pool?  What type of work you do?  A mechanic or construction working may get more soil on their shoes they a greeter at walmart.


Here Is A Recommended Carpet Cleaning Chart Based On These Factors












Here is an example of how carpet will wear based on frequency of cleaning.  Waiting to long between cleanings will create more damage to the fiber and restoration cleaning will not be as effective.

A proper cleaning schedule will keep your carpet looking better.  Extend the life of your carpet, decreasing replacement cost and make you home healthier.


Carpet Cleaning Schedule


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PS:  If we can be of any assistance to you please give us a call at 602-486-3966

Does Moisture Barrier Carpet Pad Help With Pet Odors

Does Moisture Barrier Carpet Pad, Help With Pet Odors?


If you love you pets, but have to live with the fact that sometimes they will have accidents on your carpet.   Then you may have heard about this new moisture barrier carpet pad.

This is a fairly new product and came onto the market with the promise of making it easier to clean up urine stains and odors.

It has a moisture barrier on top of the carpet pad with the idea of not allowing liquids, like urine, from penetrating into the pad.

The Benefits of Moisture Barrier Carpet Pad For Pet Urine

The only real benefit is that it keeps the urine from penetrating into the pad and possibly the sub floor.

This can become a great benefit as long as you know the limitations and problems.Moisture Barrier Carpet Pad

It can make you attempts at removing the urine yourself much easier if you catch it quickly.  Please see my instruction on how to do this at this blog post.

A professional cleaning company can have more success at removing the odor if they are called quickly and they know that you have a moisture barrier carpet pad installed.

Having it done quickly is the vitally important step.

If you wait to long you are at risk of making the situation worse and even damaging the carpet backing as this video will explain.

The Truth About Moisture Barrier Carpet Pads and Pet Urine.



The Problems With Moisture Barrier Carpet Pad For Pet Urine

There are two primary problems that I covered in the video above.

#1  It creates a larger area of contamination that may not be fully cleaned by a professional cleaner if they are not aware that you that you have moisture barrier carpet pad installed.

This can make professional odor remediation less effective.

If you have moisture barrier pad be sure to let your professional cleaning company know before they start so they can treat the odor properly.

#2  Instead of the urine being absorbed into the pad, it pools on top of the moisture barrier and stays in contact with carpet backing.

Over time this can break down the latex glue between the primary and secondary backing permanently damaging the carpet backing.

We hope you found this information helpful and would we would grateful if you commented on it, or shared it below.


TravisTravis Miklethun

Owner – Integrity Cleaning Systems



PS  I you would like to see the steps of professional pet odor remediation please click here




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How to remove pet hair

Why You Need To Remove Pet Hair From Carpet & Upholstery


We all love our pets, but there are a couple of issues they can bring to our life, along with the joy.  Pet stains and odors are one issue and you find information about that at this blog post.

In this post I will talk about the issue of pet hair.  Pet Hair can cause a number of problems, but the good news you don’t need to hire a professional to take care of it.    I will give you some tips from my friend who writes for on how to remove pet hair below, but first I want to talk about the problems.
Problem 1:  As pet hair gets wrapped around the carpet fiber below the surface of the carpet it can start to resemble soil.  pet hairEspecially if the pet hair is of a darker color, making your carpets look dirtier.

Problem 2:  Pet hair has natural oils in it.  Those oils can attract and hold on to dirt, causing your vacuuming to be less effective leaving more soil in the carpet.  A dirtier carpet will get permanent wear patterns sooner.

Problem 3:  Pet hair can cause odors, especially when humidity rises.  Think “it smells like a wet dog”

Problem 4:  Many people are allergic to pet hair itself.  In addition to that other allergens can actually stick to pet hair, like soil,  increasing allergens in the carpet.

Those are just a couple of the problems.  The solution, luckily, is not that hard, once you know the right way to do it.


How To Remove Pet Hair From Carpet


The biggest problem with removing pet hair from carpet is the way it wraps around the carpet fiber and depending on the type of carpet you have it can works it way down the fiber making it even harder to remove.

Most vacuums are not good at picking up pet hair because the roller brush on the vacuum doesn’t reach the hair below the surface.  If you’re not sure if your vacuum is suitable – and want to know what is the best vacuum for pet hair, flip your vacuum over and look at the length of the bristles that touches the carpet and you buy CBD products see what I mean.  In one simple step you can fix this problem.

Before you vacuum your carpet you need to rake it.  As aesthetic clinic says that pet hair is one of the main reason for acne and allergies. If you look at the picture of the rake you can see how much longer the bristles are.  The rake will grab a hold of the pet hair and bring it to the surface, then your vacuuming will be effective at picking up the hair on the surface.  You normally don’t need to do this every time you vacuum depending on how bad you pet hair problem is.  On occasion if you lightly mist the carpet with water, before you rake it, will give you better results.   If you do this make sure the moisture is gone before vacuuming.

As an added bonus raking the carpet will lift and separate the carpet nap in the traffic lanes improving soil removal of the vacuum as well. Have your pet checked by a vet if its shedding too much, here is a list of veterinary practice management software

Several stores will carry carpet rakes or you can one through by click the picture below.

How to remove pet hair from upholstery

This difficulty is very similar to that of carpet, except for the length of the nap on the fabric.  Even though upholstery has very little nap the pet hair can still get stuck into the fabric.

The process to fix it is also very similar, a light misting of the fabric with water will help.  Agitate the fabric with a lint and hair removal brush to separate it from the fabric.  Let fabric dry and then vacuum.  There is a link below for a hair removal brush that has very good reviews.

A couple of other options that I have seen people talk about, but haven’t tried my self.

Tape:  either a strip of tape or a tape based lint roller.  Stick the tape to the couch and lift it up, much of the pet hair will transfer to the tape.

Central Home Services couch cleaner is your go-to company for professional couch cleaning in the country. They are proud to offer their residential and commercial customers, a highly effective couch steam cleaning services.

Rubber Glove:  Put on a rubber gloves move the glove in circular motions on the area of hair.  This can separate the pet hair from fabric then vacuum.

If you have any question feel free to call us at 602-486-3966 or ask you question below in the comments section.

If you found this information beneficial please share it with your friends and family below.

Have a great day and we look forward to helping you with your future cleaning needs.




Travis Miklethun – Owner

Integrity Cleaning Systems


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Pet Stains and Pet Odor Solutions

How to love your pets, even when they go wild

Your pets are part of your family, right, and just like your kids they are a complete joy, but pets gone wildsometimes they can also be a downright pain in the butt.  In this blog I will help you deal with one of the biggest problems of owning a pet, Pet Stains and Pet Odors.  I will tell you how to get them out yourself, a lot of times you can if you get to it quickly.  I will also tell you how a professional can fix it, if you can’t get it out yourself.

The Chemistry of Pet Odor and Stains

Here is the biggest trick to Pet Urine Damage.  The process changes based on if the damage is recent or old.  Stain treatment is all about chemistry and ph.  When urine is first expelled from the animal it is acid on the PH Scale, like almost all spills.  The problem is when it dries it changes to an alkaline on the PH Scale.  So when it’s fresh you can treat the stain with most quality spotters on the market, but once it dries they will not work because the PH changes.  When it dries you need to use an acid based spotter.  This is why if it is fresh my tips below will often be effective, but if it’s older damage you should call a professional.

You also have to deal with urine salts and the bacteria that can grow in urine.

How To Treat Pet Odor and Pet Stains Yourself

Step 1:    Soak up as much of the urine as you can with a towel.  Stand on the towel and then take the backside of you hand and thump the towel.  Switch towels and keep doing this until you are no longer getting any transfer to the towel.


If urine reaches the carpet pad or sub floor a professional is needed!

Step 2:   Apply a Pet Urine Stain Remover product to a clean towel and starting at the edge of the visible damage blot with the towel.  Work around the perimeter of the stain and then work your way towards the center.  When the majority of the visible stain is gone, saturate fibers with an enzyme based pet spotter to kill the bacteria. Place a clean towel over the area and put a heavy weight on the towel.  This will force the towel and the enzyme treatment in the back of the carpeting to wick up additional urine to the towel. You can use enzyme cleaner on dog stains that is proven to be successful in removing stains and smell.

Step 3:    If there is still an odor when you remove the towel, repeat step 2 or call the professionals.  If the odor is gone, but there is still residual staining you can try following the steps in the tips guide of my website.  These tips are more aggressive and client agrees to do them at their own risk, or hire a professional to do it for them.  Improper usage of these tips can result in color loss from fiber or setting the stain permanently.

How A Professional Treats For Pet Odor and Pet Stains

In this video I discuss the different level of Urine Contamination and the professional treatment for each level.

If you would like Integrity Cleaning Systems to perform a complete urine damage analysis with black light we would be happy to do so.  For this service we charge a $50.00 inspection fee, but if you choose to hire us for the decontamination we credit the $50.00 towards the cost of the service.

If you found this information valuable, please share it below and feel free to ask questions or comment on the information below as well.



Travis Miklethun

Owner / Integrity Cleaning Systems


Why Do Spots Come Back After Carpet Cleaning?

reoccurring_spot_picYou just had your carpets cleaned and it looks pretty good.  You can see some minor wear patterns, but the dirt is gone and you can’t find all those little spots that used to stand out like a sore thumb.

Now you just bite your nails and wait.   Is it going to stay looking this good or………

Are those carpet spots going to come back as the carpet dries?

I can tell you that this is a real problem and there are two primary causes of this happening:  Soil Wicking and Rapid Resoiling.

We will cover the root cause and how we can avoid each of these problems from happening with the use of services as the  Zerorez Northern Colorado Carpet Cleaning which are experts on this.   For you comfort we will even discuss our guarantee that won’t leave you high and dry if by some chance it does happen.   This video will explain why…..

Soil Wicking Can Cause Spots To Come Back

Rapid Resoiling Can Cause Spots To Come Back

Rapid resoiling has to with the much talked about Residue being left in the carpet.   This can be an Alkaline residue that will attract new soil like a magnet or it can be a soap residue that new soil sticks to and doesn’t easily get vacuumed out.

Unlike soil wicking, this is new dirt or that is attaching itself to the carpet fiber.    The new dirt is not easily removed with a vacuum cleaner, due to the residue, and causes the build up of soil to happen quicker. With neat cleaning services one can be assured of a neat and organised space.

One of the tell tale signs of residue is that carpet will fill stiff or crunchy after the cleaning for a couple days. One can go on Tool hire from Best at Hire to get the right kind of tools to get their work done.

This used to be a much bigger problem then it should be today.  Today the equipment is so good and the chemistry is so advanced that you should never have an issue with dirt attracting residue, unless the cleaning equipment happened to breaking down and the cleaner didn’t know it.  Or the cleaner is simply lazy and did not do all the steps.

How we can stop spots from coming back.

The way we avoid an alkaline residue is simple.  We run an acid rinse through our rinse water.  This will bring the carpet PH back down from an alkaline state to a neutral or slighly acidic state.  The carpet will be left soft and fluffy and will not attract soil.

To avoid a soapy residue is also easy.  First the majority of good cleaning solutions don’t use near as much “soap” as they used to and what is used is designed to be easily flushed out of the carpet.  As long as the cleaner is doing a proper extraction and fully flushing out the cleaning solution this will not be a problem.

As I said in my video I give a 15 days stay clean warranty with all my suggested cleanings.  If you do experience any of these problems give us a call and we will come out a fix the problem free of charge.

If you found this beneficial feel free to share it.

If we did not answer you question fully you can either call us or comment below and we attempt  to answer your specific question better.

Travis Picture

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PS:  If you would like to request professional cleaning service please give us a call at 602-486-3966 or use our online scheduling form

60 Million Allergy Sufferers Need To Read This

Integrity Cleaning Systems 2

What Are Allergies?

According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America one in six Americans, or roughly 60 million, suffer from allergies.  This is how they describe allergies….

Allergy is characterized by an overreaction of the human immune system to a foreign protein substance allergy eye(“allergen”) that is eaten, breathed into the lungs, injected or touched. This immune overreaction can result in symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, itchy eyes, runny nose and scratchy throat. In severe cases, it can also result in rashes, hives, lower blood pressure, difficulty breathing, asthma attacks, and even death.

In this blog I will be discussing the allergens that are breathed into the lungs.

Are Allergies Worse Indoors or Outdoors?

I am sure this question depends a little upon the type of allergies you have, but here are some simple facts that make indoors much worse than outdoors.

  • Indoor air is far more polluted than outdoor air, outside you have wind and rain that cleans the air.
  • Several type of allergens are found primarily in the home which can be avoided with a kn95 mask.
  • The types of allergen found outside are easily brought into the home.

Some examples of indoor, airborne, allergens are cat or dog dander, dust mite feces and mold spores.  Plus, allergens brought into the home like pollen.  These allergens end up in your carpet, in your upholstery and in your mattress and pillows (you can prevent them by using Australian hemp sheets).  Have you ever wondered why your allergies are worse when you first wake up in the morning?  You were under an 8 hour (or so) attack while you slept with your nose right on top of all of those allergens.

Watch this brief video to find the type allergens that are likely in your mattress, upholstery and carpets right now as you read this!

Dust Mite Facts and Their Impact On Allergies


  •  It is the house dust mite waste, not the mites themselves, that trigger asthmatic and allergic attacks.  Research has revealed the trigger is  microscopic protein in the excrement called  Der p 1.
  • Mites live on carpets, pillows, upholstered  furniture, blankets, mattresses, in the adustmitesir handling system, etc.
  •  The average dust mite is 0.5 mm in length, not visible to the naked eye.  Over 7,000 can fit on a finger nail.
  • A dust mite molts several times during its life, producing 200 times its weight in waste and will lay 300 eggs.  Each mite produces 40 to 100 feces pellets per day.  The mite’s droppings are coated in an enzymatic slimy substance, which after drying becomes mixed with other particles forming household dust.
  • Dust mites feed on human skin flakes.  They thrive on temperatures from 66°-77°F.  Regular vacuuming only removes a very small percentage of them, whereas a high-heat deep-steam cleaning can  drastically lessen an allergic reaction.

What Can You Do To Limit Allergens In Your Home?

Here is  how to limit the allergens in your carpet, upholstery and mattress.  I also found an excellent link to an article written by the Mayo Clinic that takes you room by room through your house and tells you additional steps you can take.

Dry Soil Removal:  This is for carpets, upholstery and mattresses.  In the video you saw the amount of dirt, dust and others nasties that I removed.  All of these can cause allergies and they are a great breeding ground for dust mites.    Depending on the size of your family, you need to vacuum your carpet, PROPERLY, once or twice a week and your mattress and upholstery a minimum of once per month.

Bedding:  You will want to wash your bedding at least once per month and as an added boost you can add a dust mite treatment to your laundry and mist on you pillows and your mattress to reduce the dust mite population.  If you would like to find out more about that product give my office a call and we will get you the details.

Annual Professional Cleaning:  Professionally clean your carpet, mattresses and upholstery once per year.  If you do all three in the same appointment we will give you a free upgrade to our EPA Certified Carpet Sanitizing Treatment to give your cleaning an even stronger kick.

Here is the link to the Mayo Clinic article that will give you a room by room instruction for reducing addintional allergens  Click Here,

If you found this information helpful please comment and share it below.

Have a great day


Travis Miklethun

PS:  If you have any questions or would like to schedule a cleaning you can call our office at 602-486-3966 or schedule online.