Pet Urine Proof Carpet??

Can A Carpet Be Pet Urine Proof?

Probably not, but this one can sure help

I have written a couple of blog posts about Pet Urine Odors and how to deal with them.

In one I wrote about the three levels of Urine Contamination:  Fiber Only, Fiber and Pad, and Subfloor.  You can view that blog post here

As a brief recap of the blog post the biggest problem with pet odor removal is when it penetrates through the carpet, down into the pad and even possibly the subfloor.


 As the urine goes deeper into the pad and subfloor it becomes almost impossible for the homeowner to effectively remove it.

It makes it more difficult and costly for a professional to remove it

Awhile back the manufactures came up with a special pad that had a moisture barrier on the top of the pad.  This would block the urine for penetrating the pad or subfloor.

It was a good idea, but had a big flaw.  Do to the moisture barrier being just below the carpet backing it would cause the urine to sit on the surface of the pad and soak into the carpet backing.   This can cause several problems which I discussed at my blog post here.

The Next Stage Is Pet Urine Proof Carpet

The manufactures have continued to innovate and have come up with a new solution that looks great, in theory.

Now the reason I said in theory is I haven’t had an opportunity to actually test this carpet out yet.  It is still a fairly new concept.

If you look at the picture to the right what you will notice is they put the moisture barrier between the primary and secondary backing of the carpet.  water-proof-carpet

What this will do for you is keep the urine, or any other spill, right at the surface of the carpet.  Making it much easier to soak up with a towel and do at home spotting treatments.  It also makes it much easier and cheaper for a professional to be able remove anything you couldn’t.  This carpet will make those step even more effective and you see that blog post here. Carpet cleaning minneapolis recommends having your carpet professionally cleaned at least once a year if you have pets.

IMPORTANT:  You will still want to call a professional soon after the damage, if you cant remove it yourself.   Urine being left even at the top of the carpet for too long can start to break down the adhesive between primary carpet backing and the moisture barrier.

I have also wrote a blog in the past about at home spotting techniques for urine damage.

To find more out about this carpet you can go to

I hope you found this information helpful and as always give us a call when we can be of assistance.


Travis PictureTravis Miklethun

Owner – Integrity Cleaning Systems

PS  Please feel free to share this post if you friends would find value in it.

You can ask any questions in the comments section below.

Does Moisture Barrier Carpet Pad Help With Pet Odors

Does Moisture Barrier Carpet Pad, Help With Pet Odors?


If you love you pets, but have to live with the fact that sometimes they will have accidents on your carpet.   Then you may have heard about this new moisture barrier carpet pad.

This is a fairly new product and came onto the market with the promise of making it easier to clean up urine stains and odors.

It has a moisture barrier on top of the carpet pad with the idea of not allowing liquids, like urine, from penetrating into the pad.

The Benefits of Moisture Barrier Carpet Pad For Pet Urine

The only real benefit is that it keeps the urine from penetrating into the pad and possibly the sub floor.

This can become a great benefit as long as you know the limitations and problems.Moisture Barrier Carpet Pad

It can make you attempts at removing the urine yourself much easier if you catch it quickly.  Please see my instruction on how to do this at this blog post.

A professional cleaning company can have more success at removing the odor if they are called quickly and they know that you have a moisture barrier carpet pad installed.

Having it done quickly is the vitally important step.

If you wait to long you are at risk of making the situation worse and even damaging the carpet backing as this video will explain.

The Truth About Moisture Barrier Carpet Pads and Pet Urine.



The Problems With Moisture Barrier Carpet Pad For Pet Urine

There are two primary problems that I covered in the video above.

#1  It creates a larger area of contamination that may not be fully cleaned by a professional cleaner if they are not aware that you that you have moisture barrier carpet pad installed.

This can make professional odor remediation less effective.

If you have moisture barrier pad be sure to let your professional cleaning company know before they start so they can treat the odor properly.

#2  Instead of the urine being absorbed into the pad, it pools on top of the moisture barrier and stays in contact with carpet backing.

Over time this can break down the latex glue between the primary and secondary backing permanently damaging the carpet backing.

We hope you found this information helpful and would we would grateful if you commented on it, or shared it below.


TravisTravis Miklethun

Owner – Integrity Cleaning Systems



PS  I you would like to see the steps of professional pet odor remediation please click here




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Remove OIl In Driveway

Professional Way To Remove Oil From A Driveway


Do you have eyesore in your driveway and don’t know what to do?  Are you getting fined by your HOA and know you have to do something?

I get it!!!!

Awhile back I had a major transmission leak in my own driveway.

I was getting fined by my HOA every month and it was adding up.

After a lot of research online I figured out a steps when repeated over time can remove enough oil to pass an HOA inspection.

I decided to record a Youtube video that described the process just to help people out.  I never really had the intention of offering the service.

That video now has about 75,000 views and I started getting calls asking if I could just do it for them.  I resisted at first, but finally decided that I had to figure out a way to take care of the oil in only 2 treatment, to keep costs down.

Well I came up with a solution and the three picture above show the results.

You will never get 100% of the oil out a driveway, but the goal is to lesson the eye sore and not get fined by and HOA.

If you want to try to do it yourself review the information below.  Those steps repeated over several weekends got enough of the stain out of my driveway to stop being fined by my HOA.

(These before and after pictures are of my professional system of removing oil, the system below can get good results but probably not this good)

This information will help you attempt to remove the oil from your driveway yourself.

3 Steps To Removing Oil From Driveway

Step 1:  Alkaline Degreaser – Dawn liquid soap is one of many options here.  Apply the degreaser to the oil stain and agitate heavily with a stiff bristle brush.  Pressure wash area until all cleaner solution is gone.

Is there a still a stain:  YES = Go to step two      No = Congratulations you got lucky

Step 2   Acid Cleaning – Remember to only use this step if you are ok with permanently changing the appearance of the concrete.  watch the video for more info.  If you are not ok with the risk, skip this step and go to step 3.  Apply the acid cleaner directly to the oil stain, agitate with a stiff brush, and pressure wash

Is there a still a stain:  YES = Go to step three      No = Congratulations you got lucky

Step 3:  Apply a poultice, ready made or follow my steps below to make your own.  Allow poultice to cure and drive over the next 24 hours or so.  Sweep or was poultice away.

Go back and repeat steps 1 and 3 until stain is gone, stain stops responding, or it reaches a point that you can live with.

How To Make A Poultice To Remove Oil From A Driveway

The two ingredients that I use are diatomaceous earth and Mineral Spirits.  You can find diatomaceous earth at your local pool store are hardware store.  Mineral spirits can be found at paint and hardware stores.

Mix diatomaceous earth and mineral spirits together until they become a paste about the consistency of paint.


Travis Picture


Travis Miklethun

Owner – Integrity Cleaning Systems


If you liked this information please comment and share below

How To Remove Paint From Carpet

How To Remove Paint From Carpet, WITHOUT damaging the fiber


Paint is one of those types of spills that can easily turn into a permanent stains, if it is not treated correctly and quickly. In this video I go how to deal with a small paint stain and a large one. Follow these steps and it will give you the best chance of getting the paint out of your carpet WITHOUT damaging the fiber.

Written Instruction For Removing Paint From Carpet

Remove as much of the foreign material as possible by blotting with a white paper towel, extracting with a wet dry vac or a big platic spoon. For professionals use the dry cleaning, which lets you walk on your carpets soon after the process is complete. Many business owners choose dry cleaning over steam cleaning because it doesn’t interrupt business operations or require as much time to perform. According to dry cleaner professionals, dry cleaning services are effective for carpet cleaning. Many choose dry cleaning over steam cleaning because it doesn’t interrupt business operations or require as much time to perform. But there are some owners who choose carpet cleaning louisville for sanitation and removing unwanted stains with the use of non-toxic materials.

Dry cleaning also offers you a fairly thorough clean. The rigorous chemicals can dismantle most stains, including difficult ones that some steam cleaners can’t combat.

Apply isopropyl rubbing alcohol (solvent cleaner) to a clean white cloth, white paper towel or cotton ball. If the spot extends deep into the pile use a blotting motion until the spot is removed or no color is transferred to the cloth. Do not allow the alcohol to penetrate into the backing as this will destroy the latex bond. If the spot is on the surface only, rub in one direction at a time. Never us a circular motion to remove spot as this may destroy the texture. Stop if spot is removed. If not, go to the next step.

Apply a small quantity of detergent solution to the spot. (To make the detergent solution mix 1/4 teaspoon of a hand dish washing detergent which does not contain lanolin or bleach with 1 quart of water; examples of safe detergents are Dawn® and Joy®.) Use a blotting motion to work the detergent into the affected area. If spot is being removed continue applying detergent and blotting with a white paper towel until spot is removed.

Rinse with tap water using a spray bottle, blot to remove excess moisture. Spray lightly with water, do not blot this time; apply pad of paper towels and brick and allow to dry.

If there is still some stain on the carpet and blotting is not removing it, then moisten the tufts in the stained area with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Let stand for on (1) hour. Blot and repeat until carpet is stain free. Light will cause peroxide to change back to water so no rinsing is necessary. Apply pad of paper towels and weight down with brick.

Important – ALWAYS read and follow the care instructions and any warnings provided by the carpet or upholstery manufacturer. Carpeting and upholstery with natural fibers and/or certain dyes or finishes may require special treatment. If in doubt contact Integrity Cleaning Systems for advice/service first or if you’re in the city of south Perth. NEVER PROCEED with any stain removal instructions without knowing the exact nature of the stain involved. NEVER USE any retail products to remove stains from carpet or upholstery without seeking the advice of the manufacturer or you could void your warranty.

Calling A Professional To Remove Paint From Carpet

If it is a large spill or you simply don’t want to deal with it yourself, you need to call a professional right away and don’t let the paint dry until they get there.  If you live in the greater Phoenix Arizona area I would be happy to help you.


Travis Miklethun
Owner – Integrity Cleaning Systems


If you found this post beneficial please share and comment on it below.


Stain Removal Tip: Green Beer (or any beer)

How To Get Beer Out Of Carpet

(Green or otherwise)

You can also find house painters in FL to get the best painting services.In case of any stain in the carpets.In these stain removal videos I will give you my best advice on how to remove a stain WITHOUT causing futher damage to the fiber.  Many of the stain removal videos I see online are recommending techniques that can cause problems like:

Fiber Damage called tip blooming that will shadow under different light sources.

Color loss of the carpet fiber.

Permanently set the stain so that even a professional cant remove it.

Leave a residue that will attract soil.

Check out the video then you can  view the written instructions below.

Video demonstration of Removing Beer From Carpets


Written Instructions for Removing Beer From Carpets


Act Quickly! Delaying may cause the spill to become a permanent stain. Blot liquids with a dry, white absorbent cloth or white paper towels.  Continue to blot until no more transfer of spot to towel.  If stain persists go to the steps below

  1. Pretest any spot removal solution (for color transfer to the cloth or damage to the carpet) in an inconspicuous area. If a change occurs, select another solution.
  2. Apply a small amount of the solution to a white cloth, and work in gently – do not rub — working from the edges of the spill to the center to prevent spreading. Allow to remain on the spill a few minutes. Be patient. Blot.
  3. Continue to use the first agent as long as there is a transfer of the spill to the cloth. Be patient. Complete removal may require repeating the same step several times. Or, you may need to move to the next solution.
  4. When the spill is completely removed, rinse the area with cold water; blot with a dry cloth until all moisture is removed.

A dry, absorbent, cleaning compound may be used as a substitute to minimize drying time.

Detergent Solution – Mix one fourth (1/4) teaspoon of a liquid dishwashing detergent per one (1) cup of lukewarm water. NEVER USE A STRONGER CONCENTRATION! Thorough rinsing is necessary to remove detergent residues that may cause rapid soiling. It may be necessary to rinse with warm water several times to completely remove residues. (See Residue Precautions.) Care should be used in selecting a detergent. Never use a laundry detergent of any type, because laundry detergents may contain optical brighteners (flourescent dyes) that dye the fiber. Do not select an automatic dishwashing detergent because many contain bleaching agents that destroy dyes and some fibers.

Vinegar Solution – Mix one (1) cup of white vinegar per two (2) cups of water. White vinegar is a 5% acetic acid solution. It is used most often to lower the alkalinity caused by detergent solutions or alkaline spills.

Warm Water – Lukewarm tap water should be used in most cases to rinse the cleaning solutions from the fiber. Failure to completely rinse the solutions from the fiber may cause accelerated soiling.

Spot Removal Kit – Available from Integrity Cleaning Systems. Follow directions closely! Some spot removal kits contain: (A) a detergent solution and (B) a stain-resist solution. Use of the (B) solution prior to the complete removal of the spill may cause a permanent stain. Other spot removal kits may contain a dry extraction cleaning compound that can be used effectively for most common household stains.

Ammonia Solution – Mix one (1) tablespoon of household ammonia per cup of water. Please note: Be aware that ammonia, if used improperly, can cause a color change. Be sure to test a hidden area.

Call a Professional – Integrity Cleaning Systems has the ability and the equipment to use more aggressive cleaning solutions to remove stubborn spills.

Residue Precautions
Many spot removal solutions leave residues in the carpet that may attract soil. Thoroughly rinse the area several times with lukewarm tap water. A mist type sprayer is recommended to prevent overwetting. Blot with paper towels and pat dry after each rinse. Several rinses are often necessary to thoroughly remove residues. Never use any of the solutions in concentrations stronger than those recommended.

Important – ALWAYS read and follow the care instructions and any warnings provided by the carpet or upholstery manufacturer. Carpeting and upholstery with natural fibers and/or certain dyes or finishes may require special treatment. If in doubt contact Integrity Cleaning Systems for advice/service first. NEVER PROCEED with any stain removal instructions without knowing the exact nature of the stain involved. NEVER USE any retail products to remove stains from carpet or upholstery without seeking the advice of the manufacturer or you could void your warranty.



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Stain Removal Tips: Wax

Candle Wax On Your Carpet

In these stain removal videos I will give you my best advice on how to remove a stain WITHOUT causing futher damage to the fiber.  Many of the stain removal videos I see online are recommending techniques that can cause problems like:

Fiber Damage called tip blooming that will shadow under different light sources

Color loss of the carpet fiber

Permanently set the stain so that even a professional cant remove it

Leave a residue that will attract soil

Check out the video then you can  view the written instructions below


This is embarrassing,but my video camera broke.  I will get this video up soon, until then you can follow the written instructions below.  If the wax has already dried take a plain brown paper bag (no writing) and put over the wax.  Take an iron on medium heat and put on the bag until you see the wax melting into the bag.  Once the wax is in liquid state use the instruction below.


Tips on how to remove wax from your carpet.

Candle Wax :
Act Quickly! Delaying may cause the spill to become a permanent stain. Blot liquids with a dry, white absorbent cloth or white paper towels. Gently scrape up semi-solids with a rounded spoon. Break up solids and vacuum.

  1. Pretest any spot removal solution (for color transfer to the cloth or damage to the carpet) in an inconspicuous area. If a change occurs, select another solution.
  2. Apply a small amount of the solution to a white cloth, and work in gently – do not rub — working from the edges of the spill to the center to prevent spreading. Allow to remain on the spill a few minutes. Be patient. Blot.
  3. Continue to use the first agent as long as there is a transfer of the spill to the cloth. Be patient. Complete removal may require repeating the same step several times. Or, you may need to move to the next solution.
  4. When the spill is completely removed, rinse the area with cold water; blot with a dry cloth until all moisture is removed.

A dry, absorbent, cleaning compound may be used as a substitute to minimize drying time.

Solvent – A non-flammable spot removal solution, or dry cleaning type solvent, is preferred. Exercise caution when using a solvent. Never pour it directly onto the carpet or allow it to reach the backing, because it can damage the latex that holds the primary and secondary backings together. Acceptable solvents include Carbona®, Energine®, K2R®, Goof-Off®, etc.

Nail Polish Remover – Two types of nail polish removers are available. One type contains acetone, a dry cleaning solvent. Use the same precautions as with other dry cleaning solutions. The second type contains amyl acetate, which is used in many paint, oil, and grease (POG) removers. Many POG removers leave residues that may cause rapid soiling. When using a POG remover, always rinse the area thoroughly with a dry solvent. (See Residue Precautions.)

Call a Professional – Integrity Cleaning Systems has the ability and the equipment to use more aggressive cleaning solutions to remove stubborn spills.

Residue Precautions

Many spot removal solutions leave residues in the carpet that may attract soil. Thoroughly rinse the area several times with lukewarm tap water. A mist type sprayer is recommended to prevent overwetting. Blot with paper towels and pat dry after each rinse. Several rinses are often necessary to thoroughly remove residues. Never use any of the solutions in concentrations stronger than those recommended.

Important – ALWAYS read and follow the care instructions and any warnings provided by the carpet or upholstery manufacturer. Carpeting and upholstery with natural fibers and/or certain dyes or finishes may require special treatment. If in doubt contact Integrity Cleaning Systems for advice/service first. NEVER PROCEED with any stain removal instructions without knowing the exact nature of the stain involved. NEVER USE any retail products to remove stains from carpet or upholstery without seeking the advice of the manufacturer or you could void your warranty.

Pet Stains and Pet Odor Solutions

How to love your pets, even when they go wild

Your pets are part of your family, right, and just like your kids they are a complete joy, but pets gone wildsometimes they can also be a downright pain in the butt.  In this blog I will help you deal with one of the biggest problems of owning a pet, Pet Stains and Pet Odors.  I will tell you how to get them out yourself, a lot of times you can if you get to it quickly.  I will also tell you how a professional can fix it, if you can’t get it out yourself.

The Chemistry of Pet Odor and Stains

Here is the biggest trick to Pet Urine Damage.  The process changes based on if the damage is recent or old.  Stain treatment is all about chemistry and ph.  When urine is first expelled from the animal it is acid on the PH Scale, like almost all spills.  The problem is when it dries it changes to an alkaline on the PH Scale.  So when it’s fresh you can treat the stain with most quality spotters on the market, but once it dries they will not work because the PH changes.  When it dries you need to use an acid based spotter.  This is why if it is fresh my tips below will often be effective, but if it’s older damage you should call a professional.

You also have to deal with urine salts and the bacteria that can grow in urine.

How To Treat Pet Odor and Pet Stains Yourself

Step 1:    Soak up as much of the urine as you can with a towel.  Stand on the towel and then take the backside of you hand and thump the towel.  Switch towels and keep doing this until you are no longer getting any transfer to the towel.


If urine reaches the carpet pad or sub floor a professional is needed!

Step 2:   Apply a Pet Urine Stain Remover product to a clean towel and starting at the edge of the visible damage blot with the towel.  Work around the perimeter of the stain and then work your way towards the center.  When the majority of the visible stain is gone, saturate fibers with an enzyme based pet spotter to kill the bacteria. Place a clean towel over the area and put a heavy weight on the towel.  This will force the towel and the enzyme treatment in the back of the carpeting to wick up additional urine to the towel. You can use enzyme cleaner on dog stains that is proven to be successful in removing stains and smell.

Step 3:    If there is still an odor when you remove the towel, repeat step 2 or call the professionals.  If the odor is gone, but there is still residual staining you can try following the steps in the tips guide of my website.  These tips are more aggressive and client agrees to do them at their own risk, or hire a professional to do it for them.  Improper usage of these tips can result in color loss from fiber or setting the stain permanently.

How A Professional Treats For Pet Odor and Pet Stains

In this video I discuss the different level of Urine Contamination and the professional treatment for each level.

If you would like Integrity Cleaning Systems to perform a complete urine damage analysis with black light we would be happy to do so.  For this service we charge a $50.00 inspection fee, but if you choose to hire us for the decontamination we credit the $50.00 towards the cost of the service.

If you found this information valuable, please share it below and feel free to ask questions or comment on the information below as well.



Travis Miklethun

Owner / Integrity Cleaning Systems
