Does Moisture Barrier Carpet Pad Help With Pet Odors

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Does Moisture Barrier Carpet Pad, Help With Pet Odors?


If you love you pets, but have to live with the fact that sometimes they will have accidents on your carpet.   Then you may have heard about this new moisture barrier carpet pad.

This is a fairly new product and came onto the market with the promise of making it easier to clean up urine stains and odors.

It has a moisture barrier on top of the carpet pad with the idea of not allowing liquids, like urine, from penetrating into the pad.

The Benefits of Moisture Barrier Carpet Pad For Pet Urine

The only real benefit is that it keeps the urine from penetrating into the pad and possibly the sub floor.

This can become a great benefit as long as you know the limitations and problems.Moisture Barrier Carpet Pad

It can make you attempts at removing the urine yourself much easier if you catch it quickly.  Please see my instruction on how to do this at this blog post.

A professional cleaning company can have more success at removing the odor if they are called quickly and they know that you have a moisture barrier carpet pad installed.

Having it done quickly is the vitally important step.

If you wait to long you are at risk of making the situation worse and even damaging the carpet backing as this video will explain.

The Truth About Moisture Barrier Carpet Pads and Pet Urine.



The Problems With Moisture Barrier Carpet Pad For Pet Urine

There are two primary problems that I covered in the video above.

#1  It creates a larger area of contamination that may not be fully cleaned by a professional cleaner if they are not aware that you that you have moisture barrier carpet pad installed.

This can make professional odor remediation less effective.

If you have moisture barrier pad be sure to let your professional cleaning company know before they start so they can treat the odor properly.

#2  Instead of the urine being absorbed into the pad, it pools on top of the moisture barrier and stays in contact with carpet backing.

Over time this can break down the latex glue between the primary and secondary backing permanently damaging the carpet backing.

We hope you found this information helpful and would we would grateful if you commented on it, or shared it below.


TravisTravis Miklethun

Owner – Integrity Cleaning Systems



PS  I you would like to see the steps of professional pet odor remediation please click here




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