How often should I clean my carpets?

One of the most popular questions I am asked after I finish a cleaning job is….

How Often Should I Clean My Carpet?

Do you want to know the same thing?

After having the house painted by the group of painters from My House Painter and also having your carpet professionally cleaned, you see how great they look.

You can feel the soft, fluffy carpet pushing up between your toes, even though you are not supposed to walk barefoot on them, and you know you want them to stay looking like that ALL THE TIME

new-carpetYou want your home to always have this “feel” and you know that a clean carpet adds to a healthy home.

Or maybe you just bought new carpet and you want to do it right from the start.

Either way the question remains,  how often should you clean your carpet?

My very best answer is it depends!

The truth is it is not a one size fits all and there are many variables that goes into the answer?

Here are some of the variables, that determine how often you should clean your carpets.

1)  Carpet Warranty:  If your carpet is new and still has a warranty you need to know terms of the warranty and follow them at an absolute minimum. They range most of the time between 12 to 18 months and some require the reapplication of carpet protector.

While these terms are a starting point they are based on optimum conditions for the carpet and often a more frequent cleaning regime is recommended.


2) How Many People Live In The Home:  Obviously the more people living in the home, the more people tracking in dirt, sweat, spills and body oils.


3) Pets In Home:  I love pets and have several myself, however it may add to cleanidirty-bootsng frequency.

4) Smoking In Home:  Smoking, or heavy candle burning, can add to cleaning frequency.


5) Types of soil:  The types of soil are based on a number factors.  Do you have desert landscaping?  Do you have a pool?  What type of work you do?  A mechanic or construction working may get more soil on their shoes they a greeter at walmart.


Here Is A Recommended Carpet Cleaning Chart Based On These Factors












Here is an example of how carpet will wear based on frequency of cleaning.  Waiting to long between cleanings will create more damage to the fiber and restoration cleaning will not be as effective.

A proper cleaning schedule will keep your carpet looking better.  Extend the life of your carpet, decreasing replacement cost and make you home healthier.


Carpet Cleaning Schedule


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PS:  If we can be of any assistance to you please give us a call at 602-486-3966