Why Do Spots Come Back After Carpet Cleaning?

reoccurring_spot_picYou just had your carpets cleaned and it looks pretty good.  You can see some minor wear patterns, but the dirt is gone and you can’t find all those little spots that used to stand out like a sore thumb.

Now you just bite your nails and wait.   Is it going to stay looking this good or………

Are those carpet spots going to come back as the carpet dries?

I can tell you that this is a real problem and there are two primary causes of this happening:  Soil Wicking and Rapid Resoiling.

We will cover the root cause and how we can avoid each of these problems from happening with the use of services as the  Zerorez Northern Colorado Carpet Cleaning which are experts on this.   For you comfort we will even discuss our guarantee that won’t leave you high and dry if by some chance it does happen.   This video will explain why…..

Soil Wicking Can Cause Spots To Come Back

Rapid Resoiling Can Cause Spots To Come Back

Rapid resoiling has to with the much talked about Residue being left in the carpet.   This can be an Alkaline residue that will attract new soil like a magnet or it can be a soap residue that new soil sticks to and doesn’t easily get vacuumed out.

Unlike soil wicking, this is new dirt or that is attaching itself to the carpet fiber.    The new dirt is not easily removed with a vacuum cleaner, due to the residue, and causes the build up of soil to happen quicker. With neat cleaning services one can be assured of a neat and organised space.

One of the tell tale signs of residue is that carpet will fill stiff or crunchy after the cleaning for a couple days. One can go on Tool hire from Best at Hire to get the right kind of tools to get their work done.

This used to be a much bigger problem then it should be today.  Today the equipment is so good and the chemistry is so advanced that you should never have an issue with dirt attracting residue, unless the cleaning equipment happened to breaking down and the cleaner didn’t know it.  Or the cleaner is simply lazy and did not do all the steps.

How we can stop spots from coming back.

The way we avoid an alkaline residue is simple.  We run an acid rinse through our rinse water.  This will bring the carpet PH back down from an alkaline state to a neutral or slighly acidic state.  The carpet will be left soft and fluffy and will not attract soil.

To avoid a soapy residue is also easy.  First the majority of good cleaning solutions don’t use near as much “soap” as they used to and what is used is designed to be easily flushed out of the carpet.  As long as the cleaner is doing a proper extraction and fully flushing out the cleaning solution this will not be a problem.

As I said in my video I give a 15 days stay clean warranty with all my suggested cleanings.  If you do experience any of these problems give us a call and we will come out a fix the problem free of charge.

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PS:  If you would like to request professional cleaning service please give us a call at 602-486-3966 or use our online scheduling form