Pet Urine Proof Carpet??

Can A Carpet Be Pet Urine Proof?

Probably not, but this one can sure help

I have written a couple of blog posts about Pet Urine Odors and how to deal with them.

In one I wrote about the three levels of Urine Contamination:  Fiber Only, Fiber and Pad, and Subfloor.  You can view that blog post here

As a brief recap of the blog post the biggest problem with pet odor removal is when it penetrates through the carpet, down into the pad and even possibly the subfloor.


 As the urine goes deeper into the pad and subfloor it becomes almost impossible for the homeowner to effectively remove it.

It makes it more difficult and costly for a professional to remove it

Awhile back the manufactures came up with a special pad that had a moisture barrier on the top of the pad.  This would block the urine for penetrating the pad or subfloor.

It was a good idea, but had a big flaw.  Do to the moisture barrier being just below the carpet backing it would cause the urine to sit on the surface of the pad and soak into the carpet backing.   This can cause several problems which I discussed at my blog post here.

The Next Stage Is Pet Urine Proof Carpet

The manufactures have continued to innovate and have come up with a new solution that looks great, in theory.

Now the reason I said in theory is I haven’t had an opportunity to actually test this carpet out yet.  It is still a fairly new concept.

If you look at the picture to the right what you will notice is they put the moisture barrier between the primary and secondary backing of the carpet.  water-proof-carpet

What this will do for you is keep the urine, or any other spill, right at the surface of the carpet.  Making it much easier to soak up with a towel and do at home spotting treatments.  It also makes it much easier and cheaper for a professional to be able remove anything you couldn’t.  This carpet will make those step even more effective and you see that blog post here. Carpet cleaning minneapolis recommends having your carpet professionally cleaned at least once a year if you have pets.

IMPORTANT:  You will still want to call a professional soon after the damage, if you cant remove it yourself.   Urine being left even at the top of the carpet for too long can start to break down the adhesive between primary carpet backing and the moisture barrier.

I have also wrote a blog in the past about at home spotting techniques for urine damage.

To find more out about this carpet you can go to

I hope you found this information helpful and as always give us a call when we can be of assistance.


Travis PictureTravis Miklethun

Owner – Integrity Cleaning Systems

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